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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Eternity Consciousness

Eternity consciousness is a perspective that promotes serenity in everyday living. It involves simply being mindful of where we and all of the rest of creation came from, which is the formless, limitless, unchanging, perfectly serene condition that was all there was prior to the Big Bang, and allowing that serenity to filter into the here and now.
One of the easiest ways of doing this is in quiet meditation. So, get comfortable, close your eyes, and breathe diaphragmatically so that your abdomen expands each time you inhale. When you exhale, let your whole body relax like a rag doll.
Do this for a few minutes, and when well-settled, mentally collapse time all the way back to the moment before the first bloom of creation. Imagine the complete and utter darkness and soundlessness and stillness of that place. Stay in that vast emptiness for as long as you like and when you open your eyes, keep the serenity you experienced there with you as you slowly look around and re-connect with the world.
The idea with this exercise is to learn to apply the largest perspective imaginable to any circumstance that confronts you in your daily life. It is the difference between dropping a pebble into a small child’s wading pool and noting the disturbance in the water, and then dropping that same pebble into the middle of the ocean, where the resulting disturbance would be nearly an abstraction. Eternity is unimaginably larger than that. 
What allows us to accomplish this in the here and now is that the essential human mind and eternity are identical. Evolving consciousness brought the eternal realm through time and space the way a glacier carries material with it and deposits it at the farthest end of its progression. For human beings, this end is the highly evolved brain with its ability to think abstractly and to imagine, and to be aware in a way nothing else in creation can.
Eternity consciousness, that is, our awareness of our connection with the eternal realm, will absorb even the greatest concerns. Its practice is the heart of living in an enlightened way. 

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